Coffee Grounds
A sustainable coffee shop, staffed and managed by students of Connecticut College. Using only local beans and local milk. All baked goods are made in-house from scratch.
The Bakery
All of our baked goods are homemade here (with love). We work to bring a variety of goodies to our customers. We've diversified our selection by adding vegan items, gluten-free items, nutty items, and by hosting international baked good events.

Catering & Events
Coffee Grounds offers a warm, vibrant space for college events. Previous events include political dialogues, open mic nights, slam poetry sessions, and women's empowerment fundraisers. We welcome all clubs, organizations, and departments. Professors are encouraged to use Coffee Grounds as a space for weekly classes or meetings.
We offer special catering and open tabs. Please contact us for details!

Good conversation is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -

The Beans
Here at Coffee Grounds we use Dave's Coffee as our sole coffee and espresso bean provider. Try our decadent dark roast--great with milk and sugar or on its own. It's bold, smooth, and smoky. Or, enjoy an espresso beverage. Our espresso is a velvety medium dark roast with notes of cocoa and wild cherry.